Kunst und Natur sind ganzheitlich und besitzen damit die Kraft, uns zu unserem Ursprung zurück zu begleiten um so bewusst, friedlich und heil in einer Einheit trotz Vielfalt Leben gestalten zu können. (Angela Olbrich)
Räuchern Im Jahreskreis I
Mi., 20. März
After a brief overview by herbal educator Mag. Angela Olbrich kunstpflege.at about the Celtic annual cycle and theoretical information about the first sun festival of the year, Ostara, we turn specifically to 3 incense plants from this time.

Zeit & Ort
20. März 2024, 18:30 – 20:00
Wien, Währinger Str. 120, 1180 Wien, Austria
Über diese Veranstaltung
This festival is also anchored in Christian tradition with Easter, the festival of the resurrection, but it has much earlier roots with the Germanic goddess Ostara and is considered a celebration of the beginning of spring, the power of youth and the magic of beginnings.
After producing a small palm bush and 1-2 individual incense mixtures, which can be taken home along with a handout, we will then smoke a mixture together over tea. This workshop is suitable for both newbies and those with some experience.